lib-ethers package
Ethers-based MosaicStore that updates state whenever there's a new block.
Convenience class that combines multiple interfaces of the library in one object.
Thrown when a transaction is cancelled or replaced by a different transaction.
Thrown by EthersMosaic in case of transaction failure.
Ethers-based implementation of PopulatableMosaic.
A transaction that has been prepared for sending.
A redemption transaction that has been prepared for sending.
Ethers-based implementation of ReadableMosaic.
Ethers-based implementation of SendableMosaic.
A transaction that has already been sent.
Thrown when trying to connect to a network where Mosaic is not deployed.
Extra state added to MosaicStoreState by BlockPolledMosaicStore.
Optional parameters of a transaction that borrows MoUSD.
Optional parameters taken by ReadableEthersMosaic functions.
Information about a connection to the Mosaic protocol.
Optional parameters of ReadableEthersMosaic.connect() and EthersMosaic.connect().
Variant of EthersMosaic that exposes a MosaicStore.
Optional parameters taken by EthersMosaic transaction functions.
Variant of ReadableEthersMosaic that exposes a MosaicStore.
Type Aliases
The type of BlockPolledMosaicStore's state.
Possible values for the optional useStore connection parameter.
Alias of Ethers' PopulatedTransaction
type, which implements UnsignedTransaction.
Alias of Ethers' abstract Provider type.
Alias of Ethers' abstract Signer type.
Alias of Ethers' TransactionReceipt type.
Alias of Ethers' TransactionResponse type.
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